Behavioral Observation White Paper


how to know it

when you see it

“Out in the field is where you see the biggest breakthroughs. It’s also where you can tell the difference between what people say versus what they do; what they THINK they want contrasted with what they REALLY need.”

When it comes to understanding the root of a challenge or opportunity, nothing beats going out into the field and investigating for yourself. Of all the marketing and innovation research techniques, behavioral observation is one of the most powerful. Why? Because, to paraphrase an old saying: “You’ll know something when you see it.”

It’s true that “seeing is believing” - especially when seeking to understand the people you’re trying to help and the pain points you’re looking to solve. The same can also be said for experiencing something first hand by immersing yourself in an activity. There’s no better way to build the empathy that solves problems with actual people in mind, whether they’re employees or customers.

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